Blazon: Per Pale Sable and Azure, On a Pale Argent between an All Seeing Eye and the Number 32 in Pale Argent, both on a Pile reversed Argent to Dexter and a Sword reversed Proper to Sinister, 3 Gouttes de Sangue in Pale and a Canton Sanguine charged with an Ouroboros Argent. Atop the Shield, a Helm mantled Azure doubled Argent and issuant from a torse of these Colours is set for a Crest, a Felon’s Head Proper, about the neck a Halter Or. The Motto, Persevērantiā Sapientia (Latin: With Perseverance Comes Wisdom) to be carried on an Escroll beneath the Shield. Supporters (When Allowed): To Dexter a Wolf Argent and to Sinister a Wolf Cendree.
Persevērantiā Sapientia
(Latin: With Perseverance Comes Wisdom)
Other Notes:
ID: 1000402
Heraldic Artwork Progression:
First Take Changed Charges Added Crest